Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Art Club

The children have started to prepare for the "anti-drug" art competition. They learnt about typography this week.
Bring in newspaper clippings, books or pictures related to anti-drugs campaigns.
Drugs and You booklet
Anti Drug Comic Strip Poster
Information sheet on drugs and inhalants
Anti-Drug Art Competition 2008


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More about papier mache mask

Dear Parents

The children presented their papier mache mask to the class this week. I was enthralled by the colours and forms. Some children were inspired by images online and developed their own ideas thereafter. Others had inputs from families members and friends.
It may appear tedious to complete the mask and perhaps the end product is not as expected. Have you ever thought about what the pupils gained in the process of doing the work? Please take some time to view this short video:

 These are just some examples of pupils' work. Thank you so much for supporting your children!

Art Club

The children began on a new project. Mr Ng demonstrated the drawing of portrait with the help of a model. They were really amused as they did a comparison of the drawing and the real person.

[For security reasons, I'll not be including photographs of the pupils in this public domain. Thank you for your understanding!]

Anti-Drug Art Competition 2012

More information will be released at a later date. Meanwhile, you may check out the website: http://www.cnb.gov.sg/events/current_details/12-02-09/Anti-Drug_Art_Competition_2012.aspx


Week 8: Collage

The Primary 2 pupils browsed through magazines and looked for suitable pictures to be pasted on last week's drawing (about lines).

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bouquet: Enya's mummy

Enya's (P3 Innovator) mummy has generously contributed wooden pegs for the children's use in the Art room.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cartoon drawing & Robotics

Art Club

Week 7: Lines

The lesson began with children discussing about a landscape made out of lines (on Powerpoint slideshow, not shown in the pictures). They described the picture given as accurately as possible. Then we moved on to talk about the various kinds of lines and its names.

The 4 general steps for doing Art discussion are listed below. I will further break down the questions or build on children's answers depending on the topic:

Desciption: Observe the artwork closely. Describe what's seen.
Analysis: Identify significant art elements and principles. Analyse how these are used to achieve effects.
Interpretation: What does it mean/ represent? Explain based on visual evidence and one's knowledge, experiences and ideas.
Judgement: Form personal opinions about artwork and evidence.

What do you think this is?

 It's a chair!

Lines are all around us. Be observant about lines in our environment and how functional they can be.


30 second animation beginning and ending with a straight horizontal line in the middle of the page. Made with Flip Boom Draw on an iPad. Some sounds recorded on the iPad with (free) Sound Recorder with Skins Lite. Used Final Cut Pro on a Mac to place the sound effects in the right place.