Friday, April 12, 2013

Design an "Anti-Drug" Flag contest (For Primary 4 and 5 pupils only)

Form a group of 3 to 4 members and design a flag with the theme "Life Does Not Rewind. Make the Right Choice". All members of the top 15 winning flags will receive attractive  goodie bags!


1. You can use any type of paper. The recommended size is A3.
2. You may decorate your flag in any way that you like. (e.g. crayons, paint, coloured papers, recycled materials etc.)
3. The slogon "Life Does Not Rewind. Make the Right Choice" has to be included in your design.
4. Include the following information behind your design:
  • short description (no more than 100 words) of your flag
  • group members' names
  • class
You may want to refer to this site for more information:

The deadline is on 31 May 2013.

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