Friday, May 3, 2013

Art competition for primary 4 to 6 pupils (National Fire & Civil Emergency Preparedness Council)

The National Fire & Civil Emergency Preparedness Council (NFEC) is organising an Art competition for all Primary 4 to 6 pupils. The objective of the competition is to create greater awareness of fire prevention and civil emergency preparedness among the students through the use of art.
Attractive book vouchers will be given away as prizes. They are as follows:

1st prize  $200
2nd prize  $150
3rd prize  $100
10 Consolation prizes: $50 each

Rules and Regulations

1.         The theme for this year’s competition is "Be Responsible : Be Prepared for Emergencies”
2.         All art pieces should be done on A3 Art paper using any medium of own choice.
3.         The name, level and school of the participant must be clearly displayed on the back (Bottom right corner) of the artwork.
4.         Each school can submit a maximum of 3 entries.
5.         All entry forms duly endorsed by the School Principal, are to be submitted together with the students’ works to Clementi Primary School by Fri 19 Jul 2013.
6.         The judges’ decision is final.
7.         All winners will be informed through their respective schools. 

Please contact Ms Huang for more details.

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