Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Poison An Art Teacher

Poisonous Words like... I forgot to bring or I did not bring or I don't have...will make an art teacher feels unwell.

Please help the teachers to work in a safe environment.

Parents, please help to remind your children to bring the basic art supplies for their art classes. I do keep some art supplies in school for children to use if they forget to bring theirs.  While these supplies may not be exorbitant to replace, the costs of these supplies come entirely from my own pocket for the convenience of your child. It is unfair to borrow any item from another child because he/ she did not have the materials. I understand that some children might forget to bring things occasionally but I've been noticing some 'familar' faces...

On another note, I really appreciate the children's effort for bringing their art supplies and handing in their artwork on time. :)

Thank you.

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