Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 6: Paper Mache Mask

The children gave their paper mache the first layer of paint. Poster paint was provided so that they can work within the time frame. They can use their water colour/ poster paint at home. The first layer of paint acts like a base. The subsequent colours they paint will make their masks more vibrant.

This balloon had shrunk because the artist waited for a day or two to apply another layer of newspaper.  :(

Drying paper mache
 I use a metaphor to explain the importance of doing good work from the beginning to the children. I'm sure the P3 children are very familar with doing Math work problems. If their assumptions from the beginning (e.g. wrong operation used) is wrong, then their method/ working will be wrong in the end. An artwork done in a slipshod manner is similar to a work problem done in a careless manner. The same goes for doing art, do it well and do it properly. If your child failed in his/ her first attempt, encourage them to try it again. When they worked hard on something they had done, they will feel good about their work and themselves. 
Ningxi from P3 creator and her mask.
Ningxi attached elastic bands on her mask.

Most children are very keen to complete their masks. Thank you parents for supporting your children! Please continue to encourage them so they can produce their best work.

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