Monday, January 14, 2013

HeartlanD Beat Art Competition 2013

The HeartlanD Beat Art Competition 2013 is organised in conjunction with the Good Neighbour Award 2013 to further engage the young and youth. This year, the competition is extended to Secondary school students with an additional Category C.

Through the use of art, the competition serves to:
• understand students’ perspective of an Active and Cohesive HDB Community,
• create awareness on promoting better social behaviours, and
• foster bonds and integration in the HDB Heartland Communities.

With the theme “Friends Next Door”, the competition aims to imbue the importance of neighbourly interaction in fostering active and cohesive communities.

Students from all Primary and Secondary Schools are invited to join the competition.

Category A
Category B
Category C
Primary 1, 2 and 3
Primary 4, 5 and 6
Secondary 1 - 5

Artwork Requirements
The content of all entries submitted must be related to the competition theme – Friends Next Door.
Students are to draw according to the theme and will be scored according to the judging criteria. Inability to draw in line with the judging criteria will result in a lower score during judging session.
All entries must be 2-dimensional, pictorial and the artwork must be done on A3-size drawing paper or drawing block paper.
Participants are allowed to use different mediums (crayon, water colours, poster paint, etc) in the creation of the artwork.
Each entry must be an original and unpublished work of the participant and copyrighted work will not be accepted. The submitted entry shall not have been entered in any other competitions whether locally or internationally.
No watermarks, signatures or other identifying marks will be allowed on any entry submitted for the competition. Housing & Development Board (HDB) reserves the right to disqualify any entry bearing such marks.

For more infomation, please click here.


  1. Ms Huang,can you give me ideas for this competition?

  2. Iwould apprieciate your help .

  3. Ms Huang , Can u give me some ideas for this competition too ?

  4. Ask yourselves some questions:
    What would it seems like to be interacting with your neighbours? Do you think by showing neighbours greeting each other is sufficient? What else can you show in your work to cause it to be outstanding? How do you portray a close-knit community?

    View past year's work:
