Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Punggol Neighbourhood Watch Day Art Competition 2013

 The objective of the art competition is to draw and design a crime prevention poster for a specified crime.
·      The competition is ONLY open to children aged 6 – 12 years, as of 2 Jan 2013.
·      Each child shall submit ONLY one entry. All drawings are to be completed and submitted on the event day. Entries must consist of original ideas produced wholly by the respective participant(s). Entries which are deemed by the judges to be direct adaptations or plagiarisms of existing materials will be disqualified.

·      For children aged 6 – 9 years old : “Do not talk to strangers” or “Do not take things from strangers”
·      For children aged 10 – 12 years old : “Bicycle Theft” or “Shop Theft”

Entry Rules
·      All submitted entries must be designed in the provided A4 sized drawing paper.
·      Each participant will be given 2 pieces of drawing paper.
·      Participants are encouraged to bring their own media to create their own poster. They can also use the form of media provided by the organiser, e.g., colour pencils, crayons, however, please note that the colours are limited.
·      Registration starts at 3.45pm and participants shall submit their artwork by 5pm.
·      Participants shall register their interest to by 11 January with the following details; otherwise they can register on the event day (27 Jan 2013) at 3.45pm.
    • Name
    • Age
    • School
    • Tel No.

Evaluation Criteria
·      The panel of judges will comprise of Ms. Penny Low and Dr. Janil Puthucheary, MPs for Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC and one representative from Punggol NPC.

·      The judges will select 3 winners based on highest score using the following criteria:

          Originality                                                                               : 30%
          Creativity                                                                                : 30%
          Effectiveness of conveying crime prevention message         : 40%
          (e.g.: Is the crime prevention message clear and concise?)
                                                                                              Total    : 100%

·      All decisions and scores made by the panel judges are final.

Champion        : Trophy and vouchers worth $75
1st runner up   : Trophy and vouchers worth $50
2nd runner up   : Trophy and vouchers worth $25
1)      Punggol NPC reserves the rights to the winning and selected entries in print, broadcast and electronic media without requiring the permission from the participant.
2)      The winning entries shall remain as the property of the Punggol NPC who reserves the right to use them in any manner deemed fit.
3)      Punggol NPC will not be liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the participants on their entries.
4)      The submission of any entry signifies acceptance of the above rules and regulations. Non-compliance may result in disqualification.

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